Meet the Director of QLD Tours.
What is Cultural Heritage?

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(+61) 405 777 217


I’m the Director owner operator of QLD Tours. I have thirty years of experience as a client services professional in the Enviromental Education sector. I'm now applying those skills to Culture and Heritage tourism of the Gold Coast.

What is Cultural Heritage?  Wikipedia "quote" Is the heritage of tangible and intangible heritage assets of a group or society that is inherited from past generations. Not all heritage of the past generations are "heritage" rather, heritage is a product of selection by society Cultural Heritage can include tangible culture such as buildings, monuments, landscapes, archive materials, books, works of art, and artifacts. Intangible culture like folklore, traditions, language, and landscapes/country sides, environments, biodiversity, flora and fauna.
Note: the term is often used in connection with issues relating to the protection of indigenous intellectual property.
So, what is the Gold Coast's cultural, sole or identity? Therein lies what QLD Tours is all about. Showing visitors, a better way to view the Gold Coast, correcting the simplistic view that we are a slogan or headline act.
Without a doubt we have an unconventional city with a complex identity that eludes a conventional classification.
Clifford Geetz widely accepted definition of culture as "the assembly of stories we tell ourselves about ourselves".
So, to then cultivate an original culture, it seems we could simply start telling more stories about this place and our connections to it. Eventually, as our narrative evolves, our identity will become the stories we keep repeating.

From the past we learn how to inform the people of today. Join me as we unearth real people, places, customs capturing the sole of the 
Gold Coast, Australia.

Who do you think we are?